Garbage Girlfriend Drummer, Evelyn Moreno, co-hosts “Houston Life Kids!” on NBC

Garbage Girlfriend drummer, Evelyn Moreno, is a busy 16-year-old. She is on her high school varsity swim team, in the marching band and jazz band, and attends School of Rock. She also models and acts on occassion, so when the executive producer of “Houston Life” approached Evelyn about being the first co-host of their new show, Houston Life Kids!, she jumped at the chance.

As part of her co-hosting duties, the main hosts, Courtney Zavala and Derrick Shore, interviewed Evelyn, and she got the chance to talk about Garbage Girlfriend on the air! Click the buttom below to watch the show.

Houston Life Kids! airs every Saturday at 9:30 am on the KPRC 2+ live stream.

You can watch it on the streaming device on your TV, on their website,, and on the KPRC 2 News app.


Meet Garbage Girlfriend…


Our Name is Trash